"" Prepare a Tearful Ballad: 'Glee' Will End After Its Sixth Season - SWAGG POINT ENTERTAINMENT
Friday 18 October 2013

Somebody call Emma Pillsbury, because Gleeks may soon need some counseling: Glee's sixth season will indeed be its last. Creator Ryan Murphy confirmed the news at the Paley Center event on Wednesday night, when he talked about the impact that the death of Cory Monteith and his character Finn Hudson had on the show, saying "The final year of the show, which will be next year, was designed around Rachel and Cory/Finn's story. I always knew that, I always knew how it would end. I knew what the last shot was – he was in it. I knew what the last line was – she said it to him." Murphy and the show's writers are currently trying to figure out how to rework the show around Monteith's absence. 
Fans of Finn and Rachel will be pleased to know that they were always meant to be together in the end, and Murphy has promised that the new ending will "honor" Monteith. He's apparently planning to present his new plan to the network next week. Rumors that the show might be coming to an end started appearing around August, when Fox president Kevin Reilly said that they weren't thinking about the show past its sixth season. However, with the death of Monteith looming large over the show and the show's slow decline in popularity and quality, Glee's departure has started to seem inevitable. 
With Finn no longer in the picture, fans have been speculating about the new direction the show will be forced to take. A popular theory is that the new ending will center around Kurt Hummel and his on new fiancĂ© Blaine. Since Murphy has previously stated his affection for both characters, this seems like a probable ending. Rachel will most likely end up a big star, and without Finn to return to Lima for, we wouldn't be surprised if her final storyline centered on her career. Hopefully, some of the show's original cast can return again, and the audience can finally get some closure about Mercedes' singing career, Quinn's success at Yale, and what Brittany could possibly be getting up to at MIT. After all, does anyone actually care about the new group of glee club kids? And, in a perfect world, Tina would finally be able to get a plot where she can be successful without everyone around her tearing her down. 
No matter what happens, we're sure Miss Pillsbury has some pamphlets that will help Gleeks through this tough time. Maybe something along the lines of "Moving On After Your Favorite TV Show Ends


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